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Meet Christie

After working in a animal welfare and animal management with the Lost Dogs Home, Christie embarked on a mission in 2005 for a better pet holiday care approach. This journey led to founding Onsite Pets, a dog walking, training, and pet care business. In 2011, Christie took over ownership of Hairy Hounds Playground and integrated it with Onsite Pets services. This vision catered to every aspect of a dog’s life journey, ranging from puppy school and day care to walking, grooming, and holiday care.
With a certificate in in Dog Training and Microchip implanting, a degree in Animal Welfare, and teaching Animal Studies at Victoria University, Christie’s approach is holistic and kind. Her commitment to humane methods keeps a deep sense of trust among her clients.
Christie has a passion for helping animals in need locally and globally. Her volunteer work at a sun bear, bird, cat and dog sanctuary in Kalimantan, Borneo as well as at Petes Mission Animal Sanctuary in Thailand, ACT Dog Rescue in Bali and her involvement with the Tangkahan Village in Sumatra demonstrates her dedication and impact around the world.
It was in the heart of the Tangkahan Village that Christie’s connection with Mate, a jungle dog, began. Their bond travelled through borders, from Sumatra to Melbourne in 2087. Mate shared 5 wonderful years with Christie until he gained his wings in 2023.

Mate’s legacy still carry’s on today, he played a role in educating numerous individuals on animal welfare and in honour of his memory, Christie created the ‘Mate’s Gift’ fundraiser in August 2023, raising over $12,000 for animals in need. ‘Mate’s Gift’ will become an annual event, helping animals for many more years to come.

Christie’s dedication to helping animals knows no boundaries. She looks forward to helping many new families, whether it’s with their first puppy, a new adoptee, an older dog or animals across the world

Christie & Friends

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